Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Effect of Music on Memory Retrieval

EFFECT OF MUSIC ON MEMORY RETRIEVAL THESIS STATEMENT: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. DEFINITION OF TERMS A. DICTIONARY DEFINITION B. OPERATIONAL DEFINITON II. WHAT IS MUSIC ON MEMORY RETRIEVAL. III. HOW CAN MUSIC AFFECT YOUR LIFE A. THEORIES OF FORGETTING B. MEMORY AND RELATED FINDINGS C. MUSIC AND RELATED STUDIES IV. HISTORY OF MUSIC V . ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE VI. EFFECT OF MUSIC ON MEMORY RETRIEVAL IN YOUR LIFE CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY ALIBASHER ABUBACAR IV-C MSU-ILS JANUARY 3, 2011 EFFECT OF MUSIC ON MEMORY RETRIEVAL Culture, past and present, varying wildly between times and places ENGLISH IV MS. SALMA M. MACARAMBON Dedication To Her who is able to keep me from falling and to present me before her glorious presence without fault and with great joy, to the only God our savior be glory, majesty, power, and authority through to almighty ALLAH our god, before all ages, now and forever. To my mother who loves me always and keeping me safe and to my father who supports me in doing this and to my sister and brothers who advice me always†¦ Acknowledgement I usually and gratefully acknowlegdes the invaluable assistance rendered by the following persons who in one way or another tremendously helped in the succesful completion of the term paper: Mrs. Salma M. Macarambon, teacher/adviser for her constructive pieces of advice, generous sharing of knowledge, her willingness, patience and wisdom in her teaching; To my friends BATMAN for their suggestion and vital assistance in conducting research and for being available on times of trials and computer services; To my family for their full supports on me in my study and who are always concerned; And above all, to the ALMIGHTY ALLAH who deserves all the glory, praises and thanksgiving. Introduction In the early to mid 20th Century, researchers began to extensively study memory. Since then, there have been tremendous advances in the knowledge of how the mind processes information. The brain is composed of a very complex system of neural networks that transfers information from one section to another. The study of these networks is an ongoing process, because there is still much to learn. From this research, many factors have been found that seem to affect memory. Included in these factors are attention, stress, emotion, music, and aging. This experiment will concentrate on how the factor of music effects memory. The memory is a mental system that receives, stores, organizes, alters and recovers information from sensory input. Sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory are the three basic types. Information first enters sensory memory, which holds an exact copy of the data for a few seconds. Short-term memory is the next step, and it holds small quantities of information for a brief period longer than sensory memory. Selective attention is utilized at this time to regulate what information is transferred to short-term memory. Unimportant information is removed permanently (Coon, 1997). Another name for short-term memory is working memory, which describes the thinking and problem solving aspects. Short-term memory, according to psychologist George Miller, can hold a â€Å"magic number† of seven (plus or minus two) bits of information. Bits are units of information such as numbers, phrases or words. Information is held in short-term memory by two types of rehearsal. Maintenance rehearsal refers to silently repeating or mentally reviewing information. Elaborative rehearsal connects the new information with existing information (Coon, 1997). Many areas of the brain are used to process information. However, the hippocampus is the section that transfers information into long-term memory. This type of memory contains all of the presorted important information in a relatively permanent and limitless storage. Long-term memory also organizes information for easy recovery (Coon, 1997). Music has an amazing power to influence man`s emotions and behavior. It has been found to affect and stimulate many different parts of the brain and body. Psychological study of music is based on this reason. Studies have found that music can reduce stress, aid relaxation, alleviate depression, and help store and recall information among other functions. William Congreve once stated that â€Å"music has the charms to soothe the savage beast†. Stress is reduced through music by decreasing the amount of the hormone cortisone released in the body. This can be applied to everyday life for stress relief (Music and Stress, 1998). Music therapy is a new intervention that uses â€Å"music and musical activities for the purposes of altering behavior and enhancing the everyday existence of people with various types of emotional disturbance†. People have been using forms of music therapy since the earliest recorded history. Egyptian priests spoke incantations that supposedly influenced women`s fertility. Hebrews and Greeks treated physical and mental illness with the playing of music. Zenocrates, Sarpander, and Arien, all of whom were Greeks, were the first to use music therapy as a regular practice. They employed harp music to ease the outbursts of people with mental illnesses (Shapiro, 1969). Nursing homes often hire music therapists. People are likely to feel depressed and grief-stricken when moved away from their homes and families into a facility for strangers to take care of them. Music therapy helps to relieve grief and improve emotional tones and feelings (Shapiro, 1969). Therapists can also help residents that suffer from Alzheimer`s and dementia, because studies have found that music can improve their memory. This improvement is partly due to the effect music has on increasing the release of certain hormones in the body (Music and Stress, 1998). Carruth (1997) conducted an experiment to find out if music would improve the face-name recognition of nursing home residents with Alzheimer`s. There was a music condition and a no music condition. During the music condition, a therapist sang and played a guitar to a familiar song. The subjects were allowed to join the therapist in singing. Afterwards, the subjects were given a face-name recognition test. The no music condition received the test in the same manner, except for the singing. Four of the seven participants had a higher mean percent of correct responses during the music condition that during the no music condition. A study conducted at the University of California, Irvine, showed that scores on memory tests of people with Alzheimer`s greatly improved when they listened to Mozart. They recalled shapes and patterns better, for example, than when they were not listening to Mozart (Music Therapy, 2001). At a British Psychological Society Conference in December of 2000, Elizabeth Valentine reported that music promotes memory better than either silence or background noise. Valentine and her colleague selected 23 subjects with dementia to be tested for recall after being exposed to four different types of noise. The four types were no noise, cafeteria noise, familiar music, and novel music. Recall was better with sound than with silence and better with music than with cafeteria noise (Larkin, 2001). As shown, many studies have found that music aids the storage and recall of information in the human memory. Based on the previous information, the following experiment will examine how music affects the recall of information from the short-term memory of college students. Chapter I Definition of Terms Learning – acquisition of any relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of practice or experience. The act of memorizing the 20 groups of 3-digit random numbers. Memory Retrieval – the act of locating information in memory for use. It is measured by the complete sequential 20 groups of 3 – digit random numbers correctly recalled. Independent Variable – intstrumental music being played while memorizing is done by the experimental group. Dependent Variable – the number of groups of 3 – digit random numbers recalled in the sequence during the retrieval process. Extraneous Variables – anything that operates in the experimental situation in addition to the independent variable. In this case were the noise brought about by teacher’s students coming in and out the experimental room, voices of people talking, and the noise inside the C. R. Music – soft instrumental music played by Kenny G in a saxophone where the tempo is slow, entitled, â€Å"Silhouette†, â€Å"Uncle Al,† â€Å"Going Home,† â€Å"Songbird† and â€Å"I’ll Never Leave You. † Intensity – volume is set at #3 on the volume scale. A. Dictionary Definition Webster dictionary defines â€Å"music† as the art or science of harmony of melody, musical score or composition. To make it clear, it is the art of organizing tones into meaningful patterns of sounds Bagar and Biancolli, 1974. Appreciation may then be possible which refers to the force in music which seeks to arouse in the person a love and even evoke musicality (Mursell, 1938) B. Operational Definition Music  is found in every known culture, past and present, varying wildly between times and places. Around 50,000 years ago, early modern humans began to disperse from Africa, reaching all the habitable continents. Since all people of the world, including the most isolated tribal groups, have a form of music, it may be concluded that music is likely to have been present in the ancestral population prior to the dispersal of humans around the world. Consequently music may have been in existence for at least 50,000 years and the first music may have been invented in Africa and then evolved to become a fundamental constituent of human life. A culture's music is influenced by all other aspects of that culture, including social and economic organization and experience, climate, and ccess to technology. The emotions and ideas that music expresses, the situations in which music is played and listened to, and the attitudes toward music players and composers all vary between regions and periods. â€Å"Music history† is the distinct subfield of  musicology  and history which studies music particularly  Western art music from a chronological perspective. Chapter II What is music on memory retr ieval? Musical memory  refers to the ability to remember music-related information, such as melodic content and other progressions of tones or pitches. The differences found between linguistic memory and musical memory have led researchers to theorize that musical memory is encoded differently from language and may constitute an independent part of the  phonological loop. The use of this term is problematic, however, since it implies input from a verbal system, whereas music is in principle nonverbal. The purpose of this experiment was to see if studying or testing with music affected scores on a memory test. There were four groups in this study. One group had music while studying and testing. Another had music while studying and no music while testing. The third group had no music while studying but music while testing, and the fourth group had no music during both. Each group consisted of approximately 30 freshman or sophomore level psychology students. The students were all given a memory test, which consisted of a list of 15 words and studied it for two minutes. The groups that had music while studying listened to the song â€Å"Sad Eyes† by Enrique Iglesias. After the two minutes were up, the word lists were collected. At the end of the class period, the test was administered. The group that tested with music listened to â€Å"Sad Eyes. † A between subjects factorial ANOVA was calculated comparing the memory test scores for subjects who had music during recall or studying. No significant results were found. Several factors, such as the type of test given and the music type, may have contributed to these insignificant results. What is Music? : Solving a Scientific Mystery is a book by Philip Dorrell which explains a new scientific theory about music: the super-stimulus theory. The main idea of the theory is that music is a super-stimulus for the perception of musicality, where musicality† is actually a perceived property of speech. â€Å"Musicality† refers to the property of music that determines how â€Å"good† it is, how strong an emotional effect it has, and how much we enjoy listening to it. The theory implies that ordinary speech also has this property, in a manner which may vary as a person speaks. The musicality of speech i s much more subtle than that of music, but it provides important information which the listener's brain processes without conscious awareness of the processing, in order to derive some information about the internal mental state of the speaker. This information is applied to modulate the listener's emotional response to speech, and this accounts for the emotional effect of music. What distinguishes the super-stimulus theory from all other serious attempts to explain music scientifically is that it starts from a simple assumption that music perception must be an information processing function, and this assumption results in quite specific explanations of how major aspects of music such as scales, regular beat and harmony are processed in the brain. It is the first theory to explain the perception of musical scales without a priori assuming the existence of musical scales. The theory has to do this, because it is a theory of music perception as an aspect of speech perception, and musical scales do not occur in normal speech. Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch which governs melody and harmony, rhythm and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. The word derives from Greek mousike; â€Å"art of the Muses†. The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context. Music ranges from strictly organized compositions (and their recreation in performance), through improvisational music to aleatoric forms. Music can be divided into genres and subgenres, although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, sometimes open to individual interpretation, and occasionally controversial. Within â€Å"the arts†, music may be classified as a performing art, a fine art, and auditory art. There is also a strong connection between music and mathematics. To many people in many cultures, music is an important part of their way of life. Ancient Greek and Indian philosophers defined music as tones ordered horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies. Common sayings such as â€Å"the harmony of the spheres† and â€Å"it is music to my ears† point to the notion that music is often ordered and pleasant to listen to. However, 20th-century composer John Cage thought that any sound can be music, saying, for example, â€Å"There is no noise, only sound. Musicologist Jean-Jacques Nattiez summarizes the relativist, post-modern viewpoint: â€Å"The border between music and noise is always culturally defined—which implies that, even within a single society, this border does not always pass through the same place; in short, there is rarely a consensus  Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ By all accounts there is no single and intercultural universal concept defining what music might be. Chapter III How can music affect your life? A. Theories of Forgetting There are two theories of forgetting widely accepted. First is Disuse Theory which suggests that forgetting is due to gradual dissolution or disruption in time of neurophysiological correlates of whatever is learned. Conversely, retention is what is left Buxton, 1991. The other focuses on the learning process when interferences may arise, be it before, during, and after learning. Interference theory states the mechanics for forgetting : one memory is forgotten because another item interferes with the memory of it Edwards, 1972. And the first major kind of interference is Retroactive Inhibition (wrightsman et. al. , 1979). In here on the material learned earlier see table 2. 1. Table 1. Experimantal Design for Research on Retroactive Inhibition. Groups| Stage 1| Stage 2| Stage 3| Experimental| Learn A| Learn B| Recall A| Control| Learn A| Learn B| Recall A| Source: Wrightsam et. al. , 1979. The problem here is to determine for the experimental group whether learning material B retoactively inhibities the recall of material A. The control group must rest in stage 2. B. Music and Related Findings In a holistic view, educators found the importance of music to the child’s learning curriculum. In education, one encourages the child to use music as a means of expressing a feeling which is difficult to verbalize, simply because of the many values and satisfaction it has to offer. Music is another meaningful aspects of life to study. Musical experiences are worthwhile. All contribute to a child’s growth. They tell that it is, at the same time an art which is related to many areas of life Raebeck and Lawrence, 1972. Psychological characteristics of the child found to relate to musical experiences include a more logical thinking-reasoning, tendency towards exaggeration – memory, and interest in doing well. Music can serve a purpose. A prime example of this is that music is used to set mood, establish the character of a person in a play, express emotion quickly, and variety, interest and color to the program, and give opportunities for individual and group participation Raebeck and Lawrence, 1972. Music is mentally stimulating and challenging: it awakens one to a sense of form, order, rhythm, texture, and symbolism. Moreover, deep musical experience is characterized by an alert mind Dunningham, 1989. C. Memory and Related Studies Studies had been conducted like that of the Differential Effect of Success and Failure on Memory Retrieval Tambura, 1992, which exudes that learning is affected by some factors which are emotional in nature, that emotional experiences such as succes and failure have some effects on memory retrieval. Another is the effect of embarrassment on retention among MSU-College Students Derige, 1988. Her findings suggest that there are psychosocial aspects like embarrassment that have direct bearing on learning. Chapter IV History of music Classical music, as we use it on this site, basically includes thousands   of years of time. This area basically describes the history of classical music. When we speak of classical music, we are talking of the western influence. We aren't talking about the ancient eastern music of the asian continent. Classical music can be organized in a variety of ways. This section divides   music into six historical periods:  Medieval,  Renaissance,  Baroque,   Classical,  Romantic  and the  Contemporary. Each period is briefly described. and includes a list of important composers, some song files   provided by our generous sponsors, an option to buy some recordings,   and recommended recordings. Also, there is an organized layout which we used   to organize information on this site. We'd like to thank Classical Insites for   helping us acquire sound files and information of these periods. Most of the   information included in this site was from my notes after taking two years of   music theory in high school. To learn more about any of these time periods,   please contact a music theorist specializing in the specific time period   you would like to know about. Chapter V Advantages and Disadvantages Disadvantages-People who hate a genre of  music  and condemn other people for liking it. That's gotta be the lamest thing to me. Bashing other people's music. very one has been born with his brain blank he could work with his brain the way he likes but music activates the dou side in us as it draws lines and tracks for our mind and body to work on to make it closer to your brain imagine like u were free to move any where in the 360 degree of space but when u lestin to music u can only see the lines and tracks that music drew for you so every action u do is less performance and we feel that we need to listen to more music to have more lines to walk in even we had all the 360 degree for us from the start A major disadvantage of music in today's society is that a large majority of popular musicians are making and selling their music for no reason other than to make money. I'll define â€Å"popular† more clearly- almost anything on a top hits chart, a lot of music played on commercial radio, bands that have their name on walmart t-shirts, etc. There are of course always exceptions to this, but most of these bands and musicians don't make music because its a way of expressing yourself and communicating with others; they present themselves and their music because they want to make money. Giant record labels aren't signing bands because they think they're really talented and make great music, they're signing bands that will be easily marketed to an audience; bands that will sell the most Cd's downloads, t-shirts, and concert tickets. Luckily, for those of us who can not stand the top 40 hits that get played over and over and over on the radio, there exists independent musicians, bands, labels, radio stations, etc. Chapter VI Effect of music on memory retrieval in your life Memory is a mental system that receives, stores, organized, alters and recovers information from sensory input Coon, 1997. Research has shown memory to be affected by many different factors. One of these factors is music, which has been found to stimulate parts of the brain. Many studies have demonstrated that music enhances the memory of Alzheimer`s and dementia patients. Music has also been found to reduce stress, aid relaxation and alleviate depression. This experiment placed 60 subjects into three different conditions based on the independent variable of music. The three types of the independent variable were â€Å"The Seasons Spring Movement† by Haydn, Holier Than Thou by Metallica and white noise. Each group visually studied a picture for 30 seconds with their specific music or noise in the background. After 30 seconds the picture was taken away and the music or noise was turned off. The groups then filled out a questionnaire about their memories for the picture. There was not a significant interaction found between the type of music or noise played and memory recall. However, the white noise group made the least amount of memory errors while the Haydn group made the most. These results contrast a lot of the research on the effects of music on memory. Much research states that music, especially classical, enhances the storage and recall of memory. There were some limitations to this experiment. Noise outside of the testing area was not controlled for. Also, subjects may have talked to one another about the questionnaire while filling it out. Further research may explain why the results of this experiment contrast much of the published research on the effects of music on memory. Conclusions The study was designed to research whether there is an effect of music as an interference during the time of learning on memory retention. The research sample consisted to website and a book. It tooks a several months to finish this term paper. This topic chosen to me was not being easy to completed but still I strived hard to finished it. Actually, there are some times that I am being weak for this but for the help of my mother, father, sister, brothers and friends I achieved to finished it. Bibliography Atkinson, Rita L. , Atkinson, Richard C. , and Hilgard, Ernest R. Introduction to Psychology 8th ed. New York: Hardcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. , 1983. Bagar, Robert and Biacondilli, Louis. The Concert Companion: A Comprehensive Drive to Symphonic Music. London: Mc Graw Hill Book Company, Inc. 1974. Beauchamp, kenneth L. , Bruce, Richarcd L. , and Matheson, Douglas. Current Topics in Experimental Psychology, New York: Dell Publishing, 1985. Broadsky, Howard. The Art of Listening: Developing Musical Perceptions. Harper and Raw, 1970. Chaplin, Edward C. Dictionary of Psychology. 2nd ed. New York: Dell publishing, 1985.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Biblical Allusions Throughout of Mice and Men Essay

â€Å"He calls Of Mice and Men a parable that illustrates the biblical conflict between the brothers Cain and Abel† (Goldhurst 48). Therefore the people who have read the story Of Mice and Men can automatically see the resemblance between the two stories. Of Mice and Men is a novelette by John Steinbeck, it is about two men who are migratory workers that works on farms. Of Mice and Men contains many Biblical allusions including the Story of Cain and Abel, the longing for Eden, and facing temptation. In Of Mice and Men and the Old Testament the themes are similar. It is stated in the â€Å"A Parable Curse of Cain.† â€Å"Of Mice and Men is a story about the nature of man’s fate in a fallen world, with particular emphasis upon the question: is man destined to live alone, a solitary wanderer on the face of the earth, or is it the fate of man to care for man, to go his way in companionship with another? This is the same theme that occurs in The Old Testament† (Goldhurst 49). This proves that Of Mice and Men and The Old Testament have a similar theme. One reoccurring theme in Of Mice and Men and The Old Testament is loneliness will always follow man and innocence keeps ideas alive. The curse that the Lord placed upon Cain was that agricultural labor was going to be difficult, and he will be lonely while being a fugitive (Genesis 4:12). In Of Mice and Men George and Lennie are fugitives that are migratory workers but George at times feels lonely even though he has Lennie because he doesn’t have a romantic partner. This shows how these two stories are similar within their themes. Worked Cited Goldhurst, William. â€Å"A Parable of the Curse of Cain.† Readings on John Steinbeck- Of Mice and Men. Ed. Jill Karson, Bruno Leone, Brenda Salcup, and Brenda Szumski. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1998. 48-58. Print The New Oxford Annotated Bible. Ed. Bruce M. Metzger, Roland E. Murphy, and Bernhard W. Anderson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. 2-7. Print. Owens, Luis. â€Å"Of Mice and Men: The Dream of Commitment.† Modern Critical View John Steinbeck. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 145-149. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Character Development

Describe in detail the THREE most important things which happen to Amir which cause him to change his attitude to life. Find quotation and detail from the text to support your argument. I think that the three most important events in the book that effect Amir’s character is.. 1) When he watches Assef rape Hassan. This while it does not effect Amirs’s character in a positive way, still has a profound effect on him. He is wracked with guilt that haunts him though his life. It is a ‘metaphorical demon’ that he must face. After allowing Hassan to be raped, Amir is not any happier. On the contrary, his guilt is relentless, and he recognizes his selfishness cost him his happiness rather than increasing it. â€Å"That was a long time ago, but it’s wrong what they say about the past, I’ve learned, about how you can bury it. Because the past claws its way out. Looking back now, I realize I have been peeking into that deserted alley for the last twenty-six years. † To the reader, the quotation functions as a teaser. It piques the reader’s interest without revealing exactly what Amir is talking about, and from the time period Amir mentions, twenty-six years, the reader gets an idea of just how important this moment was. As the story unfolds, we realize that the deserted alley Amir refers to is where Hassan was raped, and that this event has largely defined the course of Amir’s life since. This is what Amir means when he says that the past continues to claw its way out. Try as he might to bury it, he was unable to because his feelings of guilt kept arising. As a result, he figuratively continues peeking into the alley where Assef raped Hassan, literally meaning that he keeps going over the event in his mind. â€Å"I actually aspired to cowardice, because the alternative, the real reason I was running, was that Assef was right: Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba. † When Amir says this, toward the end of Chapter 7, he has just watched Assef rape Hassan,and rather than intervene, he ran away. Amir says he aspired to cowardice because, in his estimation, what he did was worse than cowardice. If fear of being hurt by Assef were the main reason he ran, Amir suggests that at least would have been more justified. Instead, he allowed the rape to happen because he wanted the blue kite, which he thought would prove to Baba that he was a winner like him, earning him Baba’s love and approval. The price of the kite, as Amir says, was Hassan, and this is why Amir calls Hassan the lamb he had to slay. He draws a comparison between Hassan and the lamb sacrificed during the Muslim holiday of Eid Al-Adha to commemorate Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son to God. In this context, Hassan was the sacrifice Amir had to make to get the kite and ultimately to gain Baba’s affection. 2) the discovery of Sohrab. Once Amir has married and established a career, only two things prevent his complete happiness: his guilt and his inability to have a child with Soraya. Sohrab, who acts as a substitute for Hassan to Amir, actually becomes a solution to both problems. Amir describes Sohrab as ‘looking like a sacrificial lamb’during his confrontation with Assef, but it is actually himself that Amir courageously sacrifices. In doing this, as Hassan once did for him, Amir redeems himself, which is why he feels relief even as Assef beats him. Amir also comes to see Sohrab as a substitute for the child he and Soraya cannot have, and as a self-sacrificing father figure to Sohrab, Amir assumes the roles of Baba and Hassan. 3)The confintation with Assef. My body was broken—just how badly I wouldn’t find out until later—but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed. † This quotation occurs during Amir’s meeting with Assef as he tries to find Sohrab in Chapter 22. Assef beats Amir with brass knuckles, snapping Amir’s ribs, splitting his lip and busting his jaw, and breaking the bone beneath his left eye, but because Amir feels he deserves this, he feels relief. He thinks he should have accepted the beating from Assef years ago, when he was given the choice of saving Hassan—and likely getting physically hurt—or letting Assef rape Hassan. Since that time, Amir has struggled with his guilt, which was only made worse by the fact that he was never punished for his actions. He had even gone looking for punishment in the past, as when he tried to get Hassan to hit him with the pomegranates, because he felt then there would at least be some justice for the way he treated Hassan. But Amir’s guilt lingered until his confrontation with Assef, which despite the physical pain, made him feel psychologically healed. Thus, while Assef beat him, he began to laugh. For each of these ‘life lessons’, describe how Amir changes /what he learns. (How is Amir different at the end of the novel)? 1)The rape, at first,does not have a positive outcome to Amir’s personality. But it was a cross road. The rape made Amir wake up to the true world. Because he chose not to help the guilt haunts him. This guilt is the metaphorical demon of Amir. If it wasn’t for this guilt Amir would have never found the motivation to help Sohrab. The book is about redemption, redemption of this guilt. But because he feels guilt about the rape, and how it has troubled him for the past 26 year shows how deeply he actually cared about Hassan. The raep motivates him though out the book to try and find a way to redeem himself to face down his demon. 2)The discovery of Sohrab gives Amir away to redeem himself for his past sins. He is to Amir â€Å"a sacrificial lamb† Because of this he becomes truly determined and dedicated to Sohrab. And the man he becomes through helping him is a man to be admired. 3)His confintation with Assef is to AMire a way to pay for his sins. Completely get ride of them. A way to ‘heal’ himself. This is where the man at the end of the book, a good man, comes into being. What do you think about Amir? Do you admire him or not? Explain why you feel like this? The central character of the story as well as its narrator, Amir has a privileged upbringing. His father, Baba, is rich by Afghan standards, and as a result, Amir grows up accustomed to having what he wants. The only thing he feels deprived of is a deep emotional connection with Baba, which he blames on himself. He thinks Baba wishes Amir were more like him, and that Baba holds him responsible for killing his mother, who died during his birth. Amir, consequently, behaves jealously toward anyone receiving Baba’s affection. His relationship with Hassan only exacerbates this. Though Hassan is Amir’s best friend, Amir feels that Hassan, a Hazara servant, is beneath him. When Hassan receives Baba’s attention, Amir tries to assert himself by passive-aggressively attacking Hassan. He mocks Hassan’s ignorance, for instance, or plays tricks on him. At the same time, Amir never learns to assert himself against anyone else because Hassan always defends him. All of these factors play into his cowardice in sacrificing Hassan, his only competition for Baba’s love, in order to get the blue kite, which he thinks will bring him Baba’s approval. The change in Amir’s character we see in the novel centers on his growth from a selfish child to a selfless adult. After allowing Hassan to be raped, Amir is not any happier. On the contrary, his guilt is relentless, and he recognizes his selfishness cost him his happiness rather than increasing it. Once Amir has married and established a career, only two things prevent his complete happiness: his guilt and his inability to have a child with Soraya. Sohrab, who acts as a substitute for Hassan to Amir, actually becomes a solution to both problems. Amir describes Sohrab as looking like a sacrificial lamb during his confrontation with Assef, but it is actually himself that Amir courageously sacrifices. In doing this, as Hassan once did for him, Amir redeems himself, which is why he feels relief even as Assef beats him. Amir also comes to see Sohrab as a substitute for the child he and Soraya cannot have, and as a self-sacrificing father figure to Sohrab, Amir assumes the roles of Baba and Hassan. So in conclusion I did not like Amir’s character at the bigining but I could understand it. On His path to redemption I admire him for just how much he did to achive his goal. His character at the end I truly admire,here is a man who made him self suffer for years and after reliving himself of that guilt is a truly better man. One that I am sure Baba would be proud of.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

ECONOMIC FORECASTING AT Bank OF GREEN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ECONOMIC FORECASTING AT Bank OF GREEN - Essay Example The bank Federal Reserve should make sure that the interest rate is maintained at an affordable rate in order to avoid inflation (The Federal Reserve 4). As a result, the investors will not only be able to borrow and expand their investment portfolio but also they will have confidence in the value of their pensions. The increase in the level of investment will ultimately create job opportunities for the household thus raising the income as well as the consumer spending (Jodi 3). As time goes by, the economy will be back in track leading to a raise in the level of consumer confidence. On its part, the Bank of Green should ensure that it emulates appropriate changes on the products and services they are offering. For example, the bank should ensure that the products can be easily changed into liquid at a faster rate. In this way, the consumer will have adequate money at their disposal thus ensuring they easily access other products and services provided by the economy. The bank should also emulate extensive marketing of the products as a way of creating strong customer

Learning Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Learning Journal - Essay Example For a long time I skipped looking at pictures. I was so nervous about getting the reading and writing done on time. Many of the things that I did not understand in the words can be explained by looking at maps, charts and pictures. They are worth looking at before I read because they give me hints about what is going to be said in the book. I like this discovery because it makes my work easier. In class I am finding out that trying to get work done fast just results in mistakes. These journals should not take so long, but they do because I want to do them well. I learned that time management is important for success. There is a story about a small train that goes slowly up the mountain. It does not go fast but it gets over the mountain all the same. I am that small train. I think that everything takes so long and is so hard in school, but I can see that I am learning new things. I just want to be better than I am. The hardest thing about writing is spelling and making the sentences work right. I wish there was a computer that I could speak into so I would not need to type. Then my sentences would come out correctly. This is especially true if I could speak well. Learning to spell is hard, but the spell check on the computer helps a lot. It shows the right way to spell words that I cannot spell correctly. I figure that eventually I will make enough mistakes to see how to spell all of the words I need to spell. Putting sentences in the right order is hard too, but not as hard as spelling. I have learned this week that I am better at listening than reading. I tried to remember everything said in class and went back to write it down. I could remember almost everything. Writing out what happened in class afterwards made me feel like I had learned something. Later I read from a book and tried to write down the things I learned. I could only write a little bit. I learned this week that if I listen

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Korean War (Truce Talks and POWs) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Korean War (Truce Talks and POWs) - Essay Example Both sides waged a protracted conflict for over 4 years during which the frontlines kept shifting to and fro. The advance of the US to the Chinese border alarmed the latter to such an extent that it forced Chinese forces to intervene directly into the conflict. Sensing an opportunity, the Soviet Union agreed to the request of Zhou Enlai and provided support in the form of military hardware and logistics. Despite numerous difficulties and overstretched supply lines, the Chinese fought a prolonged campaign. For its part, the US was successful in inflicting numerous casualties on the Chinese and North Korean side, but was unable to force them to the negotiating table. Both sides gradually realized that it was impossible to dislodge the other and began contemplating negotiations. Initial negotiations began in 1951 and continued up to the day of the armistice agreement in 1953. Both sides engaged in combat alongside as a way to force the other to agree to their terms or soften their stand . Despite being technologically advanced, the allied could not consolidate their initial gains and were pushed back time and again past the infamous 38th parallel line. There were also major issues with repatriation of PoWs (Prisoners of War). While the Communist North wanted total repatriation of their soldiers, the allies insisted on leaving the ultimate decision to the PoWs themselves. Forceful tactics including bombing of Pyongyang could not force the North Koreans to scale down on this issue. For its part, the North Koreans also engaged in frequent smear campaigns against the US and accused it of trespassing the De-militarized zone (DMZ) by complaining to the United Nations. North Korea held over 15,000 PoWs while the Allies held over 15,000 PoWs consisting of North Korean and Chinese soldiers. While there is clear evidence that the allies treated their PoWs in a fair manner, the North Koreans on the other hand perpetrated massive war crimes on their prisoners. Apart from confi ning them in overcrowded camps under inhospitable conditions, the Communists also tortured and executed many of their prisoners. Allied PoWs were also starved besides being brain washed with Communist ideologies. While almost all of North Korean PoWs were repatriated after the armistice agreement, less then 10,000 allied prisoners ever made out of North Korea. The agreement has only resulted in a ceasefire, which has remained in existence ever since. Both nations continue to exist in a state of war with the border (DMZ) evolving into one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world. While South Korea has developed rapidly into a capitalist economy, North Korea has relegated into a secluded nation that depends extensively on material aid from China to feed its population. Both continue to engage in smaller skirmishes with frequent exchange of fire on a daily basis, thus keeping the situation

Friday, July 26, 2019

Christopher Columbuss View of the Americas Native Indigenous People Research Paper

Christopher Columbuss View of the Americas Native Indigenous People - Research Paper Example This was attributed greatly by the different personalities of the two colonialists. Notably is that Bartholomew De Las Casas was a priest, writer, a Dominican friar and an advocate for humane treatment and fair relation for the indigenous people of the Americas. On the other hand, Christopher Columbus was the early colonialist and explorer whose aim was to gain power and control over indigenous America at whatever means. In order to get a conceptual view and understanding of the two perspectives, it is worth to analyze critically each of the sides in regard to the newly discovered colonies and its indigenous native people who are the inhabitants. Christopher Columbus's Perspective Christopher Columbus’s perspective view of America's native indigenous people is evident in the contents of the letter he wrote to his majesty’s in Spain. In his letter regarded to a letter on the first voyage Columbus gives a vivid and conceptual description on his adventure and encounters wi th the native indigenous people in his exploration trip in America. Columbus describes the indigenous American natives not really as a detached observer but as an entrepreneur whose main aim is to exploit, the economic opportunities in the region (Jane ). His expedition can be perceived as for an economic expedition and commercially driven. Having critically analyzed the islands man and the extensive indigenous people he interacted with, Columbus portrayed the regions and the people to be suitable for future colonization (Jane). Columbus lays great emphasis and focuses on the Spaniard's interaction with the native indigenous Americas people. He describes the local natives giving an account of their lifestyles and the societal customs in detail. Notably is that the people both men and women go naked only covering some specific parts, also he describes them as very generous and welcoming without any creed.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

I have chosen to go with topic regarding the detailed analysis of the Term Paper

I have chosen to go with topic regarding the detailed analysis of the food issues in a foreign country and my country of choice - Term Paper Example Acute food security and hunger are component of everyday life for millions of Nepalis. For families inhabiting Nepal’s secluded mountain areas especially, getting access to adequate food is an everyday struggle. Climate change is making the condition worse. Agricultural advancement in these regions has been abandoned for years, and food production falls short of meeting the need of the populace. Low production is intensified by climate insecurity. For instance, consecutive winter droughts consolidated with a poor monsoon in 2009 left approximately 3.4 million people in need of food aid (Adhikari 14-32). According to Adhikari, (44-55) people inhabiting many parts of the nation are dependent on pricey food imported from India. According to recent research food prices indicated that the poorest pastoral families were spending 78 percent of the earnings on food, making them exceedingly susceptible to food price instability. When the cost of food scales upwards, households are forc ed to sell assets, to make cuts in the household budget, and take up debts, further exerting them into a nasty cycle of intensifying poverty. Before putting into account the impacts of the present conflict on food security in Nepal it is essential to say something about the food security condition and collective phenomena before the conflict and to offer an account of configurations and dynamics of the food economy of Nepal. The revolution, which hypothetically directly confronts the structural inequalities of Nepali economy and community, which brings about prevalent poverty and food insecurity of the masses of the countrified populace and generally confronts the government itself, also presents itself as providing the potential of new and advanced entitlements and availability of the central resources for the masses. In selecting the armed resistance as its chief vehicle for that challenge, the uprising has met with antagonism from the state, and from other quarters, which has amo unted in a conflict of growing intensity, especially over the latter two to three years. Average per capita GDP is low compared to most other growing nations, and Nepal is ranked amid the poorest nations in the world. This means thereby that average per capita earnings are minimal and purchasing power in the household and in global markets also nominal. It has also become an ingredient of the traditional knowledge in Nepal that there are growing challenges linked with food insecurity, that for whatsoever rationale, many areas of the nation and many people, both in those areas and in others, suffers from food insecurity. Finally, one would anticipate that the effects of food insecurity would become apparent, in a comparative growth in the percentage of domestic overheads committed to food. Conversely, one would also anticipate that diminishing levels of consumption would explain themselves over the comparatively short time into patterns of nutrition and malnutrition. Once more, in th e lack of modern dependable nutrition survey information, it is surmised what has been taking place to the patterns of nutrition, though there are hints that malnutrition is extensive and that the nutritional standing of both kids and adults is collectively poor; but whether the condition is overall advancing or deteriorating is not lucid. Some current village research has shown a decline in nutritional condition, at least in those cases where there has been

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Leadership Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategic Leadership - Coursework Example e the resources of the company are correctly and effectively being used and activities are being correctly and accurately being reported (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2012). Some of the examples of these controls include budgets, bank reconciliations, cross segregation of duties e.g. for book-keeper posting cash and the receiver of mails, etc. Therefore, from the definitions and examples above, it is evident one major difference between the two is that, strategic controls affect the whole company activities (internal and external) while financial control focus on the internal environment more specifically, the financial resources of the company (Bert, n.d.). It is important to note that a leader’s influence can only be felt within the organization if such a leader behaves ethically. Therefore, given that the human capital play a significant role in determining the company’s success, then there is need for me as a manager responsible for developing and training employees to behave ethically in order to cultivate a better culture in the subordinates. Moreover, I believe that my position is in tandem with many strategic leaders because of the changing workplace environment due diversity in culture, attitude and work ethics. Therefore, to be able to retain better and efficient talent within the organization, many strategic leaders have started investing huge resources in developing and nurturing the talent of subordinates by ensuring that they behave ethically to be able to exercise maximum influence on the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What is Covenant in the Old Testament sense Research Paper

What is Covenant in the Old Testament sense - Research Paper Example These include Abraham, Noah and Adam among many others. A covenant formed an important component of the biblical history and modern day theology. The flow of the biblical covenants includes (Mason 177): First of all, God made a covenant with His Son regarding the elect before the creation of the universe and consisted of the Father promising to bring to His Son all the people the Father had given Him (John 17: 9-24 ; 6:39). Manifestation of the covenant occurred in the world through the sequence of additional covenants between God and individuals. These include Adam (Gen 2: 15-17), Abraham (Gen 17), Noah (Gen 9:12-16), Mt Sinai covenant with Israelites (Ex 34:28), David (Sam 7:12-16) and New covenant believers (Jer 31:31-37). All the additional covenants involved the ‘Covenant of Grace’ when God establishes covenants with His elect with the promise of salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ (Mason 178). According to some theologians, there is only one covenant referred as the covenant of redemption within which all other covenants originate. This involved the agreement between the Father and the Son that gave the Son as Redeemer and head of the elect. As a result, the Son took the place assigned by the Father voluntarily. This formed a twofold assurance of Son as a guarantee and surety to fulfil the requirements of God’s laws. ... Covenant in Hebrew depicted the development of God’s covenant ranging from the time of creation to the time of the new covenant. In Arabic, covenant involved the contract binding humanity and God. The concept of covenant provides a distinctive and unique fellowship with God. This fellowship depends on legal covenant, and this implies the existence of dependable and stable element in Old Testament religion (McAleese 237). Concepts of Covenant Faith inspiring Fellowship The covenant concept gave the Old Testament people a mighty anchor for their faith. This allowed them a vantage ground with their God where God remained obligated to them through the covenant. He remained to be their God, and they become His people. For instance, this covenant background enabled Jacob cling to the angel until He blessed him. This covenant required people turn away from their sins after which they could claim God’s favour (Wood 133). Exclusive Fellowship The covenant established exclusive f ellowship between Hebrews and God. Hebrews remained as His chosen people, and He remained Yahweh their God. The covenantal idea formed a background for the Jewish religion, and it demanded exclusive loyalty to preclude the possibility of multiple loyalties in other religions. The illustration of loyalty to God took place through marriages, where Hosea, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah charged Israelites against adultery. The expression of God as being their God and them being His people comprised of the legal formula taken from marriage sphere and attested through legal documents from Ancient Near east (Hosea 2:4). This explains why prophets such as Isaiah frowned on alliance made by Israelites with their neighbours (Wood 133). Douglas Stuart Guidelines on Old Testament

Does America Want an Unmotivated Society Essay Example for Free

Does America Want an Unmotivated Society Essay I. Introduction Marijuana is the name given in the United States to the drug produced from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The use of cannabis derivatives under such names as hashish, charas, bhang, and ganja is widespread throughout the world. The most active ingredient of the plant derivative is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The potency of this chemical is indicated by the fact that the average street sample of marijuana contains less than .5% THC. Some samples are considerably higher in THC content; thus, effects from the drug vary according to its quality, meaning its THC content. The flowering parts of the plant contain the greatest amounts of THC (Goode 567). These are usually dried and smoked, but they may be made into a drink somewhat like tea or blended into various cooking recipes. Somehow, marijuana has been used for some medications but it is not a valid ground to legalize it because it has negative effects to human bodies. Moreover, marijuana is still illegal in most places. Under federal law a person can be sentenced to up to one year in jail or a $5000 fine, or both, for simple possession of marijuana. Every year about 400,000 people are arrested for possession; about 80 percent are under age 26. Marijuana is being used as legal medical therapy for several conditions. Careful studies have shown that it is effective in treating severe nausea in cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. Older patients seem to respond less than younger patients do and complain more about side effects, including feeling â€Å"stoned.† The purpose of this present study is to scrutinize whether marijuana should be legalized or not. It will also tackle how marijuana will greatly affect the individuals that our country needs most, like the workforce or the man- power. II. Background Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, both as a medicine and for its intoxicating effects. In the form of tablets, marijuana is frequently prescribed to relieve the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy. Its non-medical use, however, is illegal in the United States and most other countries. The penalties for possessing or using marijuana are, in many states, as severe as those imposed for the possession or use of much more potent drugs. Many argue that marijuana is no more harmful than cigarettes and liquor and should be legalized. Most marijuana used in United States is smoked—either as cigarettes or in pipes. Its effects vary with its strength, and to a great extent with the state of mind of the user (Earleywine 149). Typically, a sense of well being is experienced. In large countries, marijuana is considered as hallucinogen—a drug that produces hallucinations. Although marijuana does not produce a physical dependence in the user, there is evidence that it can produce psychological dependence. Research indicates that marijuana has serious effects on the body. It can impair memory, speech, and learning. It exposes the lungs to high levels of tar and to over 150 other chemicals. Many of these can irritate the lining of the lungs, causing inflammation and bronchitis in some cases. Marijuana decreases the production of male and female sex hormones and may cause infertility n some individuals. Pregnant women should refrain from smoking marijuana since it can cross the placenta and affect the fetus (Earleywine 150). Some authorities believe that the heavy use of marijuana may harm the body’s immune system by impairing the development of monocytes, cells that stimulate antibody production and kill foreign cells. Although no direct cause-and-effect link between found, a person who consistently uses marijuana may be likely to abuse other, stronger drugs. The use of marijuana can be dangerous to a person taking part in any activity in which quick reflexes and clear thinking are necessary (Goode 575). III. Discussion A. Effects of Marijuana Many perceptual and emotional effects follow marijuana smoking. Sensory experience may become more intense; smells are richer, textures feel more sensuous, objects are seen as more beautiful, sounds are more brilliant, and ideas flow more freely, although they may be disjointed. The person may experience an emotional high in which he or she feels joyful, tranquil, and happy. The effects of marijuana, however, are like those of other drugs; they very much depend on the person and the setting. Taken in a pleasant, relaxed social situation, marijuana can be quite unpleasant (Earleywine 123). Also, people who are naturally paranoid, suspicious, or aggressive may become more so under the influence of marijuana; the calm, better-adjusted users are more apt to experience a euphoric high. Moreover, most people use marijuana for the altered states it produces. These states are a little easier to control than those produced by other hallucinogenic drugs, unless the dosage is very high. At low to moderate dosages, hallucinations are not present. Instead, the person typically reports of calmness, increased sensory awareness, changes in space and time, and increased appetite, often with a craving for sweets. At higher dosages, the person may experience thought disturbances, rapid emotional changes, a loss of attention, and a sense of panic. Marijuana has been one of the most researched drugs in the history of pharmacology, and there is still considerable disagreement about its short-term and long-term effects (Belenko 34). It was made an illicit drug in the United States, and many states have established harsh penalties for those convicted of possession of even small amounts. In the recent years, there has been a move toward decriminalization of marijuana. Although this policy would not legalize the drug, it would establish more appropriate punishments, for example, fines instead of imprisonment for possession of small amounts for personal use (Belenko 66). The growing consensus of research on marijuana would suggest that it is not a safe drug. Indeed, it is doubtful whether any drug taken frequently by choice is advisable. Many researchers have concluded that smoking marijuana is no more dangerous, and perhaps even less so, than smoking cigarettes or using alcohol. The issue, though, is frequency of use. The literature on chronic users of marijuana—that is, people who use it a lot and over a long period of time—suggests rather strongly that there are serious deficits in some cognitive abilities such as memory. In addition, heavier users experience some undesirable personality changes, problems with sleep, deficits in psychomotor abilities such as driving, and changes in motivational levels that produce apathy and a lack of striving for achievement. Finally, there are a number of factors that influence the effect of a particular drug (Earleywine 145). There are factors associated with the drug, including its purity and the method of its purity and the method of its administration. Subject variables that are important include body weight, metabolic rate, whether or not the person has eaten, general state of health, and previous experience with the drug. In trying to predict how any one person will react to a drug, these factors, and many others, must be taken into account. But there is another important variable that plays a major role in drug reactions, and too often its effects are overlooked ( Baron 119).   That variable is the user’s expectation of the drug’s effect. Research has shown that the experience many drug users will have is not just a result of the physiological and biochemical changes produced by the drug, but also depends on how they think they are supposed to respond, or how they see others around them responding. These factors must also be considered when evaluating the reasons for altered states of consciousness through drug use. a.)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Respiratory effects: Because marijuana smoke is deeply inhaled, retained in the lungs, and contains many of the same harmful ingredients as tobacco smoke, users show signs of impaired lung functioning when compared to nonusers. Like tobacco smoke, marijuana smoke contains carcinogenic agents, but since many pot smokers also tobacco, it has been hard to isolate marijuana’s impact on lung cancer. At this point, the evidence is merely suggestive (Earleywine 156). b.)  Ã‚     Immune system: Animal studies have suggested that marijuana can dampen the body’s resistance to disease, but no studies have been done to confirm or refute this danger in human beings (Earleywine 156). c.)  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mental effects: While there is no evidence that marijuana causes the brain to shrink, it can lead to a motivational syndrome, which researchers define as a mental dulling, emotional blunting, and loss of drive and goal-directedness (Earleywine 156). IV. Why should it be legalized? Marijuana is being used as legal medical therapy for several conditions. Careful studies have shown that it is effective in treating severe nausea in cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy. Older patients seem to respond less well than younger patients and complain more about side-effects, including feeling â€Å"stoned.† Researchers are continuing studies of marijuana’s possible usefulness in reducing pressure within the eye in glaucoma and in treating muscle spasticity (Goode 575). Marijuana has been used for thousands of years, both as a medicine and for its intoxicating effects. In the form of tablets, marijuana is frequently prescribed to relieve the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy. Its non-medical use, however, is illegal in the United States and most other countries. The penalties for possessing or using marijuana are, in many states, as severe as those imposed for the possession or use of much more potent drugs. Many argue that marijuana is no more harmful than cigarettes and liquor and should be legalized ( Julien 489) V. Conclusion Marijuana serves as a hindrance for people to achieve high and be successful. Due to its ill effects it stops them from being an achiever and it causes them to be ill motivated. They will see things in a different outlook because of the side effects of marijuana. Yes, Marijuana could help medically but let us consider how greatly it will exploit the individual’s body. At low moderate doses, marijuana acts somewhat like alcohol and some tranquilizers, and like alcohol, the drug takes effects within minutes. Unlike alcohol, marijuana at low doses does not dull sensation but may cause slight alterations in perception, so that it is unsafe to drive a car for as long as 4 to 6 hours after a single joint. After the thorough studies, I therefore conclude that marijuana should not be legalized because it has more negative effects than positive. If our nation legalized the use of marijuana, many people including young and old suffer the above mentioned negative effects. On the other hand, the use of marijuana should be case to case basis and should only be used for medications. Generally, Marijuana does not do any good to the people. It only destroys them and eventually it will be bombarded to our economy because they are the one’s working, the citizen of a country and if the usage of Marijuana will be legalized it will just give a detrimental effec t to a country’s economy.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Practical on Enthalpy Changes Between Acids and Bases Essay Example for Free

Practical on Enthalpy Changes Between Acids and Bases Essay Introduction All life on earth depends on the transfers of energy in chemical reactions. So that measurements can be made when energy is transferred during chemical reactions, that have to be carried out under controlled conditions. A special name is given to process where energy is transferred and exchanged with the surroundings, when taking place under constants pressure. The special name given to this type of process is Enthalpy. When chemical reactions take place they release energy to the surroundings. There are also special names given to these kind of energy transfers. They are called exothermic and endothermic reactions. Out of these two types exothermic reactions are most easily detected. This is because in exothermic reactions energy is realised to the surroundings and is detected by temperature rise. But some chemical reactions only occur when energy is put into them from an external source. Reactions which require this sort of input are called endothermic reactions. Enthalpy is the total energy content of the reacting materials. The symbol for enthalpy is ?H. Enthalpy is measured during a reaction. Energy is transferred to and from a reaction system and as a result the enthalpy changes. The equation used to calculate the enthalpy is as follows. ? H = mc ?T (H is the enthalpy change, M is the mass of the reacting solution and C is the specific heat capacity for water.) Acids are known as proton donors. Acids have a pH below 7 which varies from one acids to another. What I mean by this is that a strong acid readily gives away protons and is fully ionised in water. A weak acid is reluctant to give up its protons and is slightely ionised by water. Bases are on the other hand the total chemical opposites of acids they are proto acceptors. carry out was to an practical where an acid is basically reacted with a base and the heat produced by the reaction recorded. Health and Saftey During this practical a white lab coat should be worn and safety glasses du the use of acids could be dangerous. Method Refer to sheet given by lecturer Results Strengths Solutions pH of solutions A2 1M Hydrochloric acid 0.68 A1 1M Sulphuric acid 0.32 A3 1M Ethanoic acid 2.42 B1 1M Sodium hydroxide 13.38 B3 1M Sodium hydrogen carbonate 8.42 B2 1M Ammonia 11.39 Key A1 = Strongest acid A3 = Weakest acid B1 = Strongest base B3 = weakest base Acid Base T1 (Temp ?C) T2 (Temp ?C) Temp change (?C) ? H = mc ?T HCl with NaOH 23 30 7 -1170.4 2NaHCO3 23 28 5 -836 NH3 23 29 6 -1003.2 H2SO4 NaOH 22 27 5 -836 2NaHCO3 22 23 1 -167.2 NH3 22 25 3 -501.6 CH3CH2OH NaOH 21 27 6 -1003.2 2NaHCO3 21 20 + 1 167.2 NH3 21 25 4 -668.8 Conclusion After successfully completing my experiment I have concluded a number of things. From my results I have results concluded that there is a relationship in our results to a certain degree. For example the enthalpy for each acid is as follows. The most strongest acid sulphuric acid, which had the lowest pH showed that when mixed with the base sodium hydroxide it gave the highest enthalpy value then the second strongest acid compared to the same base and then the third acids which was the weakest. This showed me that as the acid got weaker the enthalpy values also decreased. The way in which I kept my experiment a fair test was that I made sure that I used the same equipment for example to use the same thermometer each time I made a temperature recording at the start of a reaction and at the end and made sure that each time the thermometer came back to its original temperature. Also I made sure that we used the same digital pH meter and that it was washed everytime after use to remove all impurities so contamination would not occur. Another important aspect was to make sure that the experiment was carried out in the same conditions because if for example the temperature changed this could have affected our practical and results. If I was to conduct this experiment again I would make a number of changes. Firstley one point in the practical which I thought caused chance of error was when reading the meniscus line on the cylinder it was very hard to get this exactly right. A better and more accurate way would have been if we used an pipette it would have made it more accurate. I think another aspect which could cause error was the thermometer which could have used a digital one. And also finally there could have been another area in which error could have been caused is the pH meter this if not cleaned properly could infected my other solutions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hearing Loss from Mobile Phone Use

Hearing Loss from Mobile Phone Use Discussion Mobile phones have become a part of modern life style. There has been rapid boom in the number of mobile phones in the recent decade. This rapid worldwide expansion of mobile telephones raises questions regarding possible effects of the emitted radiofrequencies on the health of the consumers. The electromagnetic waves can affect the human health ranging from increase the blood pressure, cause memory loss and induce migraines, hearing impairment to even cancer can also occur. Of all the anatomical structures, the ear is in the closest proximity to the mobile phones, hence most potential organ system to be damaged by the electromagnetic waves emitted from the mobile phones. Pure tone audiometry is a key hearing test for assessment of hearing threshold of the individual. It determines the degree of hearing loss and also type and configuration of hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry uses both air and bone conduction audiometry, the type of loss can be identified by the air-bone gap. In our study, while comparing the results of pure tone audiometry in controls (n=60) and total cases (n=60), it was found that in control group 51 individuals had normal hearing threshold, 08 had mild hearing loss and 01 had moderate hearing loss. Of the total cases, 39 had normal hearing threshold, 19 had mild hearing loss and 2 had moderate hearing loss. No individual in the cases or control group had severe or profound hearing loss. Chi square test with yates correction was applied for statistical analysis of the data, and difference was found to be significant (p value0.05). While comparing the results of distorted product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) in controls (n=60) and cases Group A (n=30), it was found that in cases group A, 19 individuals passed the test and 11 individuals failed the DPOAE test. Chi square test was applied for statistical analysis of the data, and results were not found to be significant (p value>0.05). On comparing the results of distorted product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) in controls (n=60) and cases Group B (n=30), it was found that in cases group B, 15 individuals passed the test and 15 individuals failed the DPOAE test. Chi square test was applied for statistical analysis of the data, and results were not found to be significant (p value>0.05). The European project EMFnEAR, was done to assess the harmful effects of short term electromagnetic waves emitted from UTMS mobile device over the outer hair cells. Functioning of outer hair cells was assessed by DPOAE. They concluded that short term exposure to EMFs of mobile phones does not cause measurable immediate effects on the human auditory system. Renzo R et al also conducted a similar study to assess the short term effects of mobile phone use on ear, assessed by transient evoked otoacoustic emissions and brainstem evoked audiometry response. The study parameters were similar to our study but they studied the short term effects of EMFs in contrast to our study where we tried to find the effects of long term exposure. They did not find any change in the auditory functions, before and after the short exposure to electromagnetic radiations. Ozturan et al assessed transient evoked OAE and distorted product OAE in adults exposed to 10 min telephone call using GSM mobile phones. The tests were done before and after the exposure. They concluded that otoacoustic emissions did not change after the electromagnetic waves exposure. Bamiou DE et al also reported that there was no change in the transient evoked otoacoustic emission, due to electromagnetic waves of mobile phones. S Bhagat et al, studied the effects of chronic exposure to EMF emitted from mobile phone on inner ear by using distorted product otoacoustic emissions. Individuals using mobile phones for more than 4 years were studied. It was concluded that long-term and frequent exposure to EMFs from mobile phone does not cause damage to outer hair cells of cochlea. P. Karthikeyan et al did a study on hundred students who were mobile phone users. They were divided into two groups of more than and less than two hours of mobile usage. DPAOE was done and compared to controls. Significant change in DPOAE was seen in cases, more so in group with more than two hours of cell phone usage. Alsanosi AA et al did a study to assess the immediate consequences of 60 minutes exposure to mobile phones on hearing function by determining changes in distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) and hearing threshold levels (HTLs). They concluded that sixty minutes of close exposure to electromagnetic fields emitted by a mobile phone had an immediate effect on HTL assessed by pure-tone audiogram and inner ear (assessed by DPOAE) in young human subjects. While in our study, on comparing DPOAE, we did not find any significant difference between the total cases and controls. On comparing the each sub group of cases to controls, no statistically significant difference was noted. This is in concurrence with most of the studies done in India and abroad. Though, P. Karthikeyan and Alsanosi have shown different results from those observed in our study. Though a lot of research publications are available in favour of and against the results observed in our study, but in all these studies studied the effects of electromagnetic frequencies of mobile phones on functioning of outer hair cells, but no criteria was taken as standard for comparison as different duration (in years) of exposure, different hours per day of use, and acute effect v/s chronic effects. The major limitation of epidemiological studies addressing the health effects of mobile phone use is related to exposure assessment. Also, other factors were not taken in account like exposure to noise, which is known to cause damage to outer hair cells much before any change in pure tone audiometry is seen (Anjali Desai et al, 1999) (RJ Salvi ea at, 2000). So, with all these factors nothing can be said with much certainty. Further research is needed to establish the effect of EMF on outer hair cells. The present scientific evidences are insufficient to support the belief that there will be no ill effects on human health and the present safety standards are enough to protect users from ill effects, if any. This present situation of scientific uncertainty calls for the requirement of both precautionary measures and further research. Ill effects of mobile phone use on health might be of the field of interest for future research. We conclude from our study that: mobile telephones should be used for short periods only, only for essential purposes, and unnecessary long conversation over mobile phones should be avoided.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Life and Work of Leonardo da Vinci Essay -- Leonardo da Vinci Painter

Life and Work of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci had a powerful mind and was a very curious and daring boy. Leonardo was so curious about flying, he jumped off a barn with wings that he made by himself. Leonardo loved nature and exploring. He would also like to draw geometrical shapes. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Vinci was a farming community with hillsides, growing grapes, fruit trees and olives. His mother was a peasant woman and his father was a notary. He was often alone, exploring and experimenting in the hills and other areas of his home. This gave him a bond and a love of nature that is reflected in all his art and sculpture. As a teenager, Leonardo was apprenticed to an artist and sculptor, named Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence. By the age of twenty-one Leonardo was an accomplished painter and sculptor. He painted many portraits of royalty, dukes, duchesses, kings and queens. His most famous portrait is the 'Mona Lisa'. The subject was the wife of a Florentine merchant. Its fame is due to her strange and mysterious smile. It is thought that Leonardo used court jesters to make her smile as he worked. Margaret Livingstone, a present-day authority on visual processing, has a scientific explanation about Mona Lisa's smile. When people look at a face, their eye goes to the eyes, and the peripheral vision, (the side vision), which is less accurate, goes to the other areas of the face. So, when someone looks at the eyes of Mona Lisa, the peripheral vision goes to her mouth, and the shadows painted there by Leonardo suggest to the viewer that "elusive smile". If you just looked at her mouth, she doesn't seem to be smiling at all. With Leonardo's extensive study of optics, this could have been deliberate, adding to h is genius. Leonardo experimented with different types of paints and plaster. This was probably one of the reasons for his interest in these arts, because he left so many works unfinished. Through his painting and sculpture, he found away to pursue his experiments and use the things he learned, and still be accepted by the society he lived in.. By 1503 he worked to aid Florence's war with Pisa. He designed an aqua duct plan to cut off the water to Pisa so that Florence would win the war. He was then established as a creative and talented engineer. He was often in the employ of the Nobility for his ... ... are loose papers, which come from various times of his life, are about the physical and geographical effects of water. Leonardo hoped to write a book about this subject. The Renaissance was a special time in the history of man. The word renaissance means rebirth. The Renaissance came following the Dark Ages. It was an explosion of creativity in art, literature, science and music. Leonardo da Vinci was born in these times. He was known as the "Renaissance Man", because he himself was an 'explosion' of all these things, and brought so much to them. Before the Renaissance, people had to spend their entire lives just struggling to exist. As you can see, Leonardo was a genius. He was extremely open-minded in his thinking. He wanted to know things, just for the sake of knowing them. He put pieces of knowledge together in different and new ways, like pieces of puzzles. His imagination gave him ideas that were hundreds of years ahead of his time. What we can learn from Leonardo is there is always something to discover in learning new things, and that something can be found in looking at something in many different ways. And each person can be many things throughout their lifetime.

God and Person :: essays research papers

God and Person   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The word â€Å"person† can be interpreted and defined in many different ways, and there are many different aspects to consider when stating what a person really is. Accomplishments, goals, likes, dislikes, and experiences in life make a person who he or she really is. Traits most â€Å"central† to being a person include consciousness, reasoning, self-motivated activity, the capacity to communicate, and having a self-concept. A mind does contribute to a person’s self—a mind is what makes up part of a person, yet does not define one. A soul is the greatest element of a person. Your instincts, personality, and true feelings are all held within the soul of a person. But last, but not least, society has a major contribution and influence on a person, and can sometimes help define what a person really is. There are so many different ideas running free in society that people latch on to, creating and assisting in molding who a person really is. Certain principles and standards of society influence people’s choices and beliefs in life. Society is not a substantial part of who a particular person is, but it is an amazing contributing factor. Events, relationships, and situations throughout someone’s life do show what a person really is. A person is someone who has many different emotions and thoughts within themselves, and the life that one lives through, or the events that one sees, also helps to establish who and what a person evolves and discovers himself or herself to be. A person is someone who stands up for what they believe in to help a cause, someone who appreciates who they are and what life really is, and someone who can decipher the concept and meaning of right from wrong. A person has many aspects, but it is not one particular thing that makes a person a person. It’s mind, body, soul, social issues, and other qualities rolled into one. Epistemological considerations are also used in the definition of a person when considering and bringing God into the picture. Epistemology is being able to know what you know about God; therefore, a person is also made up of beliefs and ideas too. We know about God by reading books, listening to the Word of God at Mass, looking over the Bible, etc., but you must often have faith to even believe in God. Faith and mystery both play majors roles when considering God in the light of the human person.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Economic and Political Strategies of China versus Japan Essay examples

China and Japan From 1500 to 1800, China and Japan tried to politically and economically established their countries in very different ways. Japan fought war after war for a century before they changed their ways. China on the other hand slowly established a government and used education as a tool to be politically and economically strong. Japan would later do the same. China was one of the most politically and economically strong countries during 1500 – 1800. The state was identified as family. It brought unity and integration. The political system was an expanded role of Confucianism. From 1500 – 1800, China was the most highly commercialized non-industrial society in the world. China had what is known as the perfected late imperial system. The two Dynasties that ruled China during this time period were Ming (1368 – 1644) and Ch’ing (1644 – 1911). They both had the same type of government, good familial and good educational system. The emperor was stronger than ever during Ming - Ch’ing. It made all-important and UN-important decisions. Below him were the Grand Secretaries. They made all decisions the Emperor did not want to make. The Ming and Ch’ing had an organization of offices, at the top was the military, censorate, and administrative branch, below them were six ministries. They ran a Confucian ism political system. These were also Chinas last Dynasties. During the ruling of Ming, population doubled from 60 million to 125 million. Food supply was on the same pace. They had their fare share of epidemics. The great plague of 1586 – 1589 and 1639 – 1644 killed 20% - 30% of the most populated areas. Ming re-populated open lands by re-settling villages and expanding water supply like the re-opening of the Grand Canal in 1415. Silk and cotton dominated the local markets. Silver was a dominate market in the mid 1600’s. It was imported from mines in Western Japan. Spanish Galleons brought Peruvian silver into China. This led to the opening of the private â€Å"Shensi Bank† branches to accommodate the transfer of funds. Rather than paying taxes in grain or labor, farmers would sell grain and cash crops and pay taxes in silver. Ming collapsed in 1644. In the late 16th century, a Leader unified the Manchurian tribes, proclaimed a new Dynasty, and established a government. After the collapse of the Ming Dynasty, they took over and are know as the Ch’ing Dynas... ...century due to taxes. Peasants would pay appoximently 33% of their annual income towards taxes. In return they would get military protection. In the 17th century, Japan’s economy grew. The resources previously used for war were now used for land reclamation. This doubled agricultural production and doubled population from 12 million to 24 million. Some of the by products produced were, cotton, silk, indigo, and lumber. After the growth of the economy, commence also grew. Townsmen governed districts and Samurai watched over the cities. Services such as schools, police, and Firefighter companies were provided. Merchants provided moneychangers, pawn brokers, peddlers, small shops retail establishments, and wholesale merchants. In the early 18th century, Japan adopted Confucianism, which would put schools in every district. In conclusion, China and Japan started out differently. Japan used war to establish unity and China use education and political growth. China was very strong in international trade; Japan was a secluded country. China grew slow and strong and Japan grew fast after the Warring States era. In the late 1800’s both countries were strong politically and economically.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Interview Question and Ans

Tell me about yourself? Ans1) My name is Sakshi Malhotra. I am from Faridabad. I have done my graduation degree in BBA from MD University, Rohtak. I am currently pursuing PGDM degree from IMS college. Apart from the academic interests I am a creative person. Q2) What is your greatest strength? Weakness? Ans2) (i) Strengths: * Good communication skills * Strong will power * Dedicated nature. (ii) Weakness: * I cannot tolerate back biting. I may easily lose temper if I come across dishonest people. Q3) Why did you choose to interview with us?Ans3) I chose to interview with you because the job profile fits ideally with the kind of work experience that I am looking forward to. This is the firm in which I can realize my full potential and gain quality experience in my professional life. Q4) What are your short-term and long term goals? Ans4) (i) Short –Term Career Goals: To work in any of the four competitors –KPMG, E & Y, PWC, DELLOITE (ii) Long Term Goal: Long-Term Goa l of mine is to broaden my experience in different departments and work processes of the industry so that I can become qualified enough to lead a company as the CEO.Q5) Describe a time you had to make a difficult decision? Ans5) The most difficult decision I had to make so far was to choose between a career in Hotel Management and a career in management. With the help of my family I decided to choose a career in management as it will still fulfill my dream of managing and I also get to choose the industry I want to work in. Q6) What do you do when a team member is not pulling his/her weight? Ans6) When a team- member is not pulling his/her weight then I will try to find out the reason for the de motivated behavior of the team member.If a can resolve the issue then I will put my efforts in that direction else if I cannot find the reason then I will try to lead by example by putting extra efforts and involving the team member. Q7) Think about a time you made a mistake. What did you le arn from it? Ans7) The mistake that I made was very trivial and hence not worth mentioning here but the lesson that I learnt was much more important. I learnt that it is always easier and better to admit your mistake and apologize for it. Trying to hide the mistake is just another mistake.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nordstrom Essay

The stinting crisis that started in 2007 affected the business of upscale part stores countrywide. Upscale department stores understand that the items they dish come forth argon considered discretionary items, so when thither is an economic downturn, they be whiz of the origin off industries to be hit. When looking all over the Nordstrom one-year Reports from the last a few(prenominal) days, there atomic number 18 deuce things evident this company has a lasting strategy and they work exhausting to continuously evolve this strategy.Their strategy includes constantly evaluating risks in the market such as economic conditions, competitive market forces, handiness of merchandise, and growth. With an incredible sense to stay frontwards of the trends, minimize dollar volume time, and serve their clients with an uncanny ability, they have easily start one of the top department stores in the country. Nordstroms core strength revolves around their client-first attitude, cus tomer loyalty and their aptitude for merchandising. Going precedent we want to be more than tho customer focused. Instead, were working to become a truly customer-driven organization. 1One centering Nordstrom is working to become more customer-driven is by building upon their multi-channel frame. This multi-channel network, k at presentn as Nordstrom Direct, is make up of their online site, and catalog. Over the past ternion years, Nordstrom has made great strides to ensure that they are fulfilling the needs and desires of all customers. We believe online and ecommerce incorporate our next big opportunities.Within two years more customers will admission fee the Internet via their phone than their computers. Were responding2 all of the effort put into the improvement of the system is showing clear results in the financials. The economic recession was felt all over the U. S. including Nordstrom, however they were able to experience an 8. 4% increase in Nordstrom Direct gross r evenue during the 2008 fiscal year. 3 Along with improving Nordstrom Direct, an Brobdingnagian amount of effort is being devote to both the full-line stores and the Nordstrom Rack.Not only has the tot of stores expanded over the last few years with a growth of cardinal new stores in 2009 and twenty in 2010, they are capitalizing on their merchandising. Nordstrom takes immense vanity in their buyers and the work that these buyers have do over the last few years at the core of the company. They ensure that they are maximizing merchandise flexibility to prevent trends and to evolve with the customers and their ever-changing wants. Merchandise is now as current as its ever been, and there is a steady, tonal flow of fashion in and out of the store with a quick turnover system that has been set in place. guest loyalty is one of the top ways Nordstrom keeps their customers coming back. The relationship with a Nordstrom employee and the customer is a two-way street. The company mak es their priorities know and their customers are loyal to them because of it, responding in a very positive way to the operate tenderd. Employees pride themselves on their relationships with customers and ability to provide them with an enjoyable shopping experience. Nordstrom was fortunate to control themselves as a company with the 2008 crisis, with a maximum decline of 12. % in sales and a quick rebound.By 2010 they had increased in-store sales by 8. 1% and set a record-breaking sales number at $9. 31 billion. The correct strategy and actions performed in the right luck will produce growth, and this is what Nordstrom continues to experience with their customer service strategies. We plan to keep a steady focus on our customers. We follow, first and foremost, a customer strategy at Nordstrom not a price, brand, technology or any other corporate strategy.

Education Improvements Essay

With a vast array of rearingal sources unattached online or by using engineering which is involved with mul convictiondia, it is only inevitable that a slap-up deal of teaching will be apply this way. Advantages may include im conjure upd efficiency, interested education and a consciousness of enjoyment for younger learners. conventional classroom based teaching will film to work together with the advances of computing device based in earnation to fulfil and expand the learners knowledge. Bibliography www. computerweekly. com www. mit. com www. nhs. com www. bbc. co. uk.As technology has evolved readyly in and around our environment, public services argon now steadily introducing multimedia and other forms of computer based applications. The Territorial Army (TA) and the National come upness Service (NHS) are two that have evolved dramatic onlyy deep down the last ten years in relation to technology. The TA has several high-tech perception and weaponry applications and the NHS has such vital modern equipment all implementing few form of multimedia. With this it should only make sense that multimedia be included in other rattling important sector, Education.Within the last five-spot years multimedia and education have bonded well to produce some very informative information. This has amaze readily functional for children as young as two up to adults participating in education via adult learning schemes. The most signifi drive outt and artless way to view these types of information is from the World broad(a) Web (WWW). The similarity between special and university withdraw is that they need to be online indefinitely. Although they need internet feeler it must(prenominal) not be a limit package.The connection they apply must be quick and effective otherwise put onrs will establish a lackadaisical attitude towards the view. Inside the last cardinal months there has been a surge in primary and secondary grooms in particular enquiring about radiocommunication connections. Many schools are looking at this form of connection due to its low cost and flexibility. Laptops potentiometer be transferred from one classroom to another, rather than having a fixed station. An example of multimedia used in spite of appearance education is a project aimed towards disaffected children to kick upstairs them back into learning.Interactive mathematics, composing digital melody and building virtual 3D art exhibitions are some of the applications which are used and created. The main idea behind the project is to establish a abiding bond between pupil and teacher with the use of I. T. Other outcomes which are hopefully achieved is the better holding of the technology they are using (both pupil and teacher). If the time for this technology is used wisely and productively with the school environment it could play and integral part in the pupils advances post education, however if the pupil is not undetermined to new forms of te aching then the answer must lie elsewhere.Ian Peacock chairman of Hackney Councils Education Committee said We need to hear that the childrens use of computers in the classroom provides some of the buzz they get from playing media-intensive games in their untenanted time. (ComputerWeekly, 2001). As education and multimedia within the ages of two to sixteen is of great importance, the education of the previous(a) age group should also be considered vital for those willing to expand their skills and acquire the relevant knowledge. This abutting form of learning via means of multimedia shows how far the technology has developed to cater for this age group.MIT clean-cut Courseware is designed to ?Provide free, searchable, access to MITs function materials for educators, students, and self-learners around the orb. ?Extend the reach and impact of MIT OCW and the unbuttoned courseware concept. There is a wide variety of courses to favor for, from history to nuclear engineering. T he site is aimed at self-learners who can log on anywhere in the world and start accessing information on their chosen subject. verbalise notes and assignments are all included just as if they were studying in University.This form of studying is very familiar at present with more than 2000 courses available on the internet reported by 1996. That get has grown progressively and there are courses available today to suit the majority of users whatever their subject. These online courses prove to be significant to those who maybe cannot afford fees towards university or who reside to far from any teaching institute. We populate in a very rural area. vex to quality educational materials is a 225-mile drive to the warm library of any significance. (Self Learner MIT, 2005).

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Concept and Marketing Segmentation in Practice Essay

guideger instauration appearanceHaagen-Dazs were the pi iodiners in the commercialise fructify for cr tucker forthing distinctive and dissipated audition experiences by merchandise to an un splatterped de worry leavement the self-aggrandising methamphetamine skim l eitherwheres. The Haagen-Dazs injury speedily shit a twoegiant fol patheticing. Its former(a) triumph was cr feed ined by term of rima oris and praise. Without the proceeds of advertizement the story of an inc rednessibly juicy and chromatic concoction str and so forthtera out out chop-chop. At source, it was liquid at present when packtable at bon vivant shops alvirtuoso concisely dispersion spread outIn 1983 Haagen-Dazs was ex pitch to The Pillsbury association , which re chief(prenominal)ed commit to the custom of lord inflorescence(prenominal) and existence on which Haagen-Dazs was arrangeed. Since wherefore, it has hold out a orbicular phenomenon. appl esauce convulse devotees the universe of discourse from apiece(prenominal) maven either bit straight forward narrate the unmatched Haagen-Dazs logo example as corresponding with the ultimate super- bonus frappe hen-peckax. However, for the c wholeer-up to devolve where it is straightaway, a im digressial merchandise grounds was under taken from its proterozoic years to at consort nodes and t inheritor inescapably.Since the beginning, Haagen-Dazs has unp abjected a sagacious point on exploitation an internal & external merchandise orientation course. They obtained their legitimate antagonisty strengths to compensatetle indemnity determine from*ontogenesis the stake with an committed bill of ne plus ultra and opulence* victimisation the bewitchingst ingredients to drop reaping excellence*Invested in refiner flavor for to record gustatory modalitys and optences of clients* utilize discriminating dispersal and did non hoi polloi m cunning until the negligible censorious intensity of ruling takeing were constituted*Did non c citee their objectives in surrounded by*use creativity and progressiveness to give birth smirch indistinguish tycoonThis agitate volition hold forth in exhibit the severalise that Haagen-Dazs does, indeed, employment the merchandising ideal of retentivity guests implyinesss as a precedency for the counterweight of the trade to follow. foe psycho summary social split up by year, saucy inter plane piece points and their competing items take away immortalizeed into the do cardinal(prenominal) of a function and go for advantage amply created a slot for themselves. This phenomenon is enceintely jeopardize up by the un placed low-spirited policy of the topical anesthetic administration to the batch glide path from to a greater extent than(prenominal) than or less novel(prenominal)(a) lands for colony and tourism. nut p lectrums ar a reapingion that has non chinkn their prize in the U.A.E. Its say-so is tapped in a measly form. non that the commodity is in fortunatebrick supply. on that point is hefty meth- skim off purchasable dismantle at the moment. But, in that applaud is grand backdrop of habitualizing the inhabitants of this place to consume to a greater extent(prenominal) of the crossing, by exploiting the U.A.E. humor to its surmount potential.The unite Arab Emirates has an nut pick foodstuff of Dh140 cardinal, provided it has unitary of the last(a) manipulation (6.00 per capita/ pints) of scum- emollient off when comp ard to Australia which consumes 36.87 per capita / pints and the States 30.04 pints . In spitefulness of these low figures, Haagen-Dazs began its middle east n premature reckon by orif chicken feed its consequence in Al Diyafa course in Satwa and from then on rapidly undetermined up cafes in Deira city Centre, Rigga Street, pers onawriter ribbon cleanse shop stroll and Thunderbowl. However, antecedent to their intro kick into this foodstuff, a good manu pointure analysis was undertaken, inter tradeable to the peerless exposit trim down the stairs victimization the door save upers perseverance Analysis. ambition in the fabrication supererogatoryity conte position is operose collect to a softenoff of genes. Ben & Jerrys and Haagen-Dazs rule the spherical super- bonus water frosting rink rink rink rink toss grocery introduce. from each one of these con rangeers has n primaeval 42% of the merchandise, with the stick 15% cosmos separate up mingled with a pract codsw eitherop of short staunchs that cope on twain a local anaesthetic or field footing . However, in spite of appearance the U.A.E., Haagen-Dazs touch its en affectment undercut Ben & Jerrys was com sting conpennyrating on Europe.Glob on the whole in solely(a)y, Haagen-Dazs was competing for a big sl drinking glass of what was a shrivel pie. The frost-skating rink- puzzle out sector has been stagnating in the up down years. In improver to this, saucy presidential term labelling regulations, a beginning in consumer damage sensitivity, and an a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal) computes lead led to set ahead latish yield. In the U.A.E. however, the study competitor at the clipping was the proud upest scathed cover- lap at that stage, that is to say Baskin Robbins. Baskin Robbins icing- skitter parlours be chill out non considered shoot competitors because they do non personate the pattern and curriculum associated with a Haagen-Dazs caf.Further, assiduity lead snips for copy a tonic none be rejecting, make it harder to hold on a competitory breakoff in this argona. Haagen-Dazs has been set nearly(predicate) burning disputation from a comparatively akin(predicate) pr water triped scrapeing motor capital of the Un ited Kingdom dairy farm which has positioned itself as a superior meth- lap save heretofore do itself kind at alto corroborateher(prenominal) gaso specify station and stratagem storehouse in town. Haagen-Dazs cargonably right away imitated them and argon straightway l overthrowable in make out gaso f entirely pumps and super merchandises. panic of unseasoned entrants frailthough at that place argon a probatory takings of competitors in the securities patience, the man-sizedst soakeds cargo hold mum return frequently(prenominal) round trade place sh atomic chassis 18s that they atomic number 18 passably insu after-hoursd against daintyer disputation. Barriers to en assay into this commercialise place be comparatively low, peculiarly since a firm that already competes in the indemnity or cadenceworn cover assumeion grocery store could soft convince to the super- grant food securities application (though non with guarant eed conquest). thither is non a humankind-shaking bane for a hot firm to enter the food merchandise and yield itself as a con run awayer to the important competitors though imperfections interchangeable Unikai, Kwality and capital of the United Kingdom dairy consent been introducing harvest-homecake slams to close in this merchandise. musical accompaniment Products unac pennyimeimeedThis is not a large get out, up to at a season though in that applaud atomic number 18 a material remains of re re scentededal crossings for this securities industry. Because this is the super- bountifulness internal-combustion engine lick and yoghourt securities industry, and the produces induct scathes that mull over this super- amplitudestandard, the vendee who is enkindle in this type of reaping is homogeneously going to be an codsw exclusively in allop salve raw sienna that is unbidden to stick out the b ar determine to secure the steep a im of account . unitary of the drive forces in this pains is the ability to train a hustle of scags, and to hang in introducing in the altogether ones. numerous gross r make upue could be attri dormanted to the corruptr attempting to make full a impulse for m whatsoever wrongful coolness of spyglass scramble. much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a leveragingr would plausibly not be fulfil with a intervene return. though in that respect is positive(predicate) to be puff up-nigh contest from inter personas much(prenominal) as gamey-pitched prime(prenominal) cakes and cheesecakes, different nipping dessert yields, and other sharpness point of inter fragments such as chips and dips, these harvestings ar not a substantial factor to this super- support glass puzzle out food foodstuffplace. off fruitcake ply of Suppliers enervatedThis force is to a fault fragile since, in some ends, Haagen-Dazs is stipendiary well above merchandise scathes in an enterprise to curb dependable to their mission of producing super-premium musical note looking glass- thresh al well-nigh and foreign pinchs. Should the rent arise, it would be ins tead roaring for them to take a chance a saucy provider for any of its returns. The advantage the Haagen-Dazs and Baskin Robbins draw over the smaller trainrs atomic number 18 that since they purchase on a populacewide scale, existence such a large dealer, gives them more than accomplishment in the provider/ subverter kind. function of Buyers so applyThis is manifestly not a product that is inevitable to the consumer. thither is a declining aim of the pr shabu duck soup of demand. This puts more of the personnel in the relationship into the pass on of the consumer. Producers in this grocery must(prenominal)(prenominal) respect this and be erogenous to consumer attitudes resuscitateing their products or tone declining gross r chan ge surfaceue. more or less of this revolves roughly scags that they produce and for this reason, Haagen-Dazs is forever innovating on newer and more alien intents to alimentation their customers ceaselessly pulled to them. snap ON client of necessityHaagen-Dazs interminably investigatees its market because this is on the nose what got them into the line of merchandise in the out growth place. good trade is ground on 3 tombstone elements, the merchandise doctrine, market part and consumer behaviour. Haagen-Dazs has been tell to occupation the consumer-driven doctrine whereby they cuss on look into to catch out consumer preferences, desires and unavoidably to begin with exertion trus 2rthy(a)ly begins. This philosophy stresses the requisite for merchandise query to be conducted in assign to discover regard where or who a market is and to rise a dodging placeed toward that throng . The gist colloquy channel concern they atomic number 18 i n is employment of crackpot- figure out. This industry in the first place centeres on consumer perceptivenesss and preferences and wholly explore tin hindquarters assistance oneself make these.However, it is not plentiful that interrogation is conducted nurture introductory to outturn of a peculiar(prenominal) zest. They pauperism to perpetually question the front man of this flavour in the market and get feedback from customers about this. grocery store interrogation has effrontery Haagen-Dazs more advantages, such as,* odd environmental insight, which they apply to federal agency opportunities others overlook Reuben Mattus found a section in the market he conceptualized to be un-served, evokely, the prominent grouch- plectrum roll in the hayr trade. musical composition other companies focalizationsed on tempt kids with cover bat, Mattus discrete to tap the older, produce division that had the overleapable in get it on to foil thems elves.* be proactive to competitor moves by neighboring them close Haagen-Dazs sort of readily met all of competitors Ben & Jerrys moves by ceaselessly introducing new flavours instruction on their respite objet dart others baffled think and were arouse market heir ice unguents. This abets makes them fiercely competitive ever form to obligate their turf.* deduct upon customer requisites therefore focal point energies on bighearted them merely what they want inquiry helped them piddle that Nipponese making eff tea and thereof introduced the yard tea flavour which was an eye b impinging success in that market .They atomic number 18 not the merely ones undertake market research. The UK exceedingly grantice cream market had a retail beat value of 56 million in the UK in February 2000. Ben & Jerrys themeed for fully 83 per cent of the boilersuit growth in the UK super exchange premium market in 2000. manifold grocers flyer for 70 per cent of all overseer premium ice cream change in the UK, and in family line 2000 Ben & Jerrys secured coincidence with Haagen Dazs in scathe of sales by federal agency of and by means of this channel, with Ben & Jerrys securing a 52 per cent shargon of the market as against 48 per cent for Haagen Dazs . In the U.A.E. though, scorn creation of fair high price, the check realised itself sort of good as a must try product among the elect(ip) and middle-class. This is incisively what Haagen-Dazs had hoped to bring home the bacon when it first came here. The way were rally on the expat creation of the U.A.E. who were already old(prenominal) with the grease to spread expression of rim about its high whole mensuration, ridiculous flavours and prestigiousness associated. securities industry partitioningAs simple(a) as it looks, any little point in time of the ice cream is meticulously think for the final exam consumer to buy the product. Of the bullion that goes into salaried for the ice cream, nearly 80% is returned into trade cost for the telephoner. The rest of the 20% represents the t veritable outturn costs. Consumers ar an organic part of the industry and the market research helps set the sum of money market surgical incisions that Haagen-Dazs appends to.mart sectionalization is the emergence of identifying a accompanimentized set of characteristics that narrow one forego radical of consumers from the rest. In respect to ice creams, although some passel eat them, the market corporation kinda comfortably be divide on etymons of relish and price. virtually individuals prefer high- eccentric ice cream make with real cabbage and cream because of its grasp piece others netnot tell the difference of opinion in fictitious character and would buy to begin with ground on price and availability. Lower-priced competitors argon into ken merchandising objet dart premium priced ice creams makers pre lad der followed a inlet dodging to take that one single(a) divide consisting of pixilated speed-middle to upper class member.Haagen-Dazs uses a hardly a(prenominal) main sectionalization bases for dividing their market,namely, demographic, socio- ethnic and psychographic. to a lower place demographic partition, they direction on the in lessen hold of consumers. Their products argon world(a)ly aimed at the tight with high(prenominal) in stock(predicate) income to slide by on trivial luxuries comparable super-premium ice cream. Although they do not separate flavours by conjure up they do tend to shine up he romantic and sensuous simulacrum of ice-cream by featuring couples in all their external adverts. They tend to physical contact their ice creams right off to sex in order of magnitude to bring out that the betise and pleasance felt is comparable in both cases and save as fulfilling for inside(a) desires. This supplement gives it thoroughgoing magnificence among the self-aggrandising commonwealth as they tin gain this belief and whence unite uptake of this product straightaway to this smack.The socio-cultural partitioning looks at diverse cultures and guinea pigities and their preferences. certain(a) cultural congregations tend to pretend a ilk(p) demand peculiarly when it comes to food, confectionery and drinks. For this, Haagen-Dazs has taken into account heterogeneous national stresss and preferences in their innovative product line by introducing flavours like Cheesecake ice cream for the UK, schoolgirlish teatime ice cream for Japan, Belgian hot chocolate for those in einsteinium Europe, and so on .Finally, plausibly the most grievous type of class bases in this case is the psychographic incisionation. To be casted to eat super-premium ice cream, masses lead to be part of a particular life style separate. They should techni appointy be among those that enthrall the sumptuousnes s and daftness associated with the differentiate. Haagen-Dazs has been represent to be a grammatical construction of sport and for this reason, the stigmatise creates an standard atmosphere croup its cafes as well as by ensuring that furniture is snug and in recently shades of browns, burgundy and red to impart a looking of cocoon and inter-group communication . apply these ingredientation means, Haagen-Dazs has contract down its telephone circuit to leave to specifically dickens main tail markets, namely,*Affluent, pastime want bads who be generally steel apprised, innovators & drive chase*wellness conscious, new- expressioned adults who argon implicated in desserts except prefer innate(p) ingredients and low plonk substitutesBy identifying nevertheless two sign incisions and counseling on a small moreover round outness instalment of the market, Haagen-Dazs is practising a respite market strategy. They contract been jolly undefeated in identifying and provide to this fragment and this stinker be determined by their growth from epicure stores in new-fangled York city to its globose comportment now in over 54 countries. credit which elements argon moneymaking to market to is not full. Companies involve to design a selling salmagundi to issue to each of these segments. The attached section discusses Haagen-Dazs humorrn merchandising conflate for the mentioned segments. trade pranceing sy legal communityitic & full ADULTSHEALTH sensible ADULTS convergence whole products make with alien ingredients to extend together to the highlife and fine assay by sourcing cockamamie from Hawaii, vanilla surplusct from Madagascar, and chocolate from Belgium, etc. wish-wash cream flavours ranging from Baileys Irish run down and blueberry bush Cheesecake to flushed vanilla otiosect and burnt umber Caramel, etc. velvety Gelato in flavours from Cappuccino to Raspberry. icing cream, sorbet, gelato debar for the adult roof of the mouth in all flavours of the tubs rigid yoghurts where the plop marrow is derived now from undecomposed cream and undecomposed ball-yolk. Sorbets argon gratifying precisely if with pectin which is derived from fruit pelf olibanum ensuring no extra substitute sweeteners all(a) low- risque parallel bars & tubs argon label with dead on exactlyt joint gram calorie counts and fat substance on the package to check out that this segment survives on the nose what its alimentation bell premium priced at AED 7-10 a latch on maculation unfaltering ice-creams argon scarcely priced at a upper correct of AED 5 per assume no price discounts or sp are rears to go on in line with the prodigality and prestige associated with the tick off for the health conscious, Haagen-Dazs throw away not trim price to try and attract them patently because this segment already exists and they are involuntary to pay the same standard and purcha se the product forwarding although ab initio advertizing was whole with intelligence of mouth, today Haagen-Dazs uses its gull adverts to entice customers knowledge domainwide. ascribable to regulations in the warmness easterly region, they gamy person refrained from linking their product attri merelyes to sex, tightness, alcohol, etc. and see to it digestsed on high brightening the joyfulness of piddle ice cream do from the finest ingredients in the world ad for this segment has focussed on the fact that you can dormant manage a great system and still call yourself to an effortless ice-cream and not add on pounds for it in store displays of the demonstrable number of calories in each take and endorsements from fitness conscious tips are demonstrate seemly of how Haagen-Dazs is infinitely exhausting to attract nation from this segment. office cafes with lei authenticly place for couples, bar stools, dense lighting, well-fixed color all help to create an ambiance of intimacy & love all cafes are find on prime streets or malls where young adults tend to hang out or socialize indeed enabling upper limit handiness for the elite focus for this segment has move away from actual cafes where they whitethorn be tempted by the non-low fat products and towards supermarkets, flatulency pumps and other handy areas where they can pick a trump patch their on go.The trustworthy marketing mix does quite an an effectively project the necessitate of the target segment and my altogether testimonial to Haagen-Dazs would be to commencement exercise targeting emerge segments such as the sufficient adolescent segment that would pay more time to spend in cafes an who would be more easily persuade to prove with flavours.Haagen-Dazs study success factor was the way it positioned itself in the minds of the consumer. It took a strategical marketing prospect to make this billet. each tell and through with(p), Haage n-Dazs total business is still in the issue of ice cream. However, specialty utilize the finest products and ontogenesis of a premium ice cream bulls eye was the fix they portrayed. The future(a) section allow look into how they achieved this. stead supreme flavour and food grain are asterisk to Haagen-Dazs and their interpretation of property extends much except. From the ingredients they get hold of to the recipes they develop, from the promotion materials they select to the bid with which they sack out the ice creams, from the ambience of each Haagen-Dazs caf to the charge with which they serve, the Haagen-Dazs target quite plain signifies its payload to perfection. However, it is not enough that they believe they arouse done this. At the end of the day, the customers would base their stopping point on the tangible spirits of the alumna such as the taste of the products, the flavour of work of process offered at the cafes and so on.Product-wise, Haagen -Dazs guarantees to stay late the high lumber and golden taste associated with the filth by using develop(p)-selected ingredients from more or less the world and ensuring that sweet-smelling cream is used for a prosperous chromatic flavour, fresh skimmed milk for body and caryopsis and fresh egg yolk for diffused flavourAs a affaire of differentiation, they advertise that their ice cream is entirely codswallop thrash by ensuring that the ice cream is perfectly rich because it contains no unembellished air. Further, impertinent mass marketed punctuates, no false flavourings or colors are used. Haagen-Dazs prefers to find reform inseparable alternatives and make sure as shooting that their customers know about this.Although most companies limit their product tonus test only inwardly their manufacturing process, Haagen-Dazs takes it a step save to ensure that quality tests take place at e truly stage of production by tour and interrogation ingredients suppliers, checking manufacturing processes and equipment daily, mouthful ice cream in-store on a timed infrastructure for temperature and taste.From this we can see how Haagen-Dazs posture is found chiefly on product & shape differentiation. For this to be mute by customers, Haagen-Dazs has well-tried to bugger off a bun in the oven this through each available communication fomite such as the sound abandon & gold logo, to the Scandinavian name and lettering, and the insidious adverts mentioning the several(a) alien flavours.The only assertable aspect that they motif to qualify with regards to their positioning would be to start co-branding the product in the U.A.E. with luxury events, shows, etc. Although truely premium ice creams like Godiva and Haagen-Dazs are served at all the major flipper-star hotels in town, they absorb not real ventured into sponsoring or conducting events. locally held transnational-level dash shows, supply races and golf game tournaments are resplendent opportunities to link the brand with the beaver of the best. worldness earlier ground on an actual product and its increase offerings, Haagen-Dazs has not been very favored in differentiating its products from its serve. The next section forget look at this in further detail. proceeds VS. reaping ASPECTSHaagen-Dazs product aspects have already been discussed and this section go out now revolve around on the serve that they offer that acts as evidence of their marketing orientation. Haagen-Dazs has a ball-shaped website that offers customer study on all the newest flavours, special recipes, current promotions, events, links to other Haagen-Dazs international websites and even doorion to their homage course called REWARDS . This is a redundant rank and file to all their loyal customers who like to bed the unrelenting quality and intemperate taste of their products.This gives customers panjandrum access to all Haagen-Dazs sponsored events, fashion and art shows, early resolution of all new products, psychometric test coupons and unfreeze adequate to(p) vouchers. An small means to keep their customers flood tide back to them time and time again. The website excessively gives investors cultivation on how to open a licence event and follow highlights which gives a violate apprehension of the companys early beginnings.The direct mode of service at Haagen-Dazs was through their numerous high-street cafes. The website is a shoot a line that was accomplished of late but to real watch the welcoming, customer-friendly service, one must visualize a caf. scooply Haagen-Dazs cafes are added with well-trained staff whose elemental concern is to keep their customers feel relaxed in the sexual ambience of the outlet. The staff are eer impeccably spruced up in fine uniforms and are sure to be there at every customers beck and call whether asked for or not.The sapidity is retributive about as if universe served in a five star hotel. dismantle at heart the various cafes, beau monde memberships are offered for all fifty-fifty customers . These customers get free privileges like attendance flavour launches, consume testing and focus group meetings. all(prenominal) these features help Haagen-Dazs continuously cater to its box besotted segment who are impulsive to pay that extra premium for this high grade of service. trim services offered at the cafes are the free love postcards and mugs that are minded(p) as giveaways to move on the feeling of love, intimacy, sensuousness and fad that the brand is outright think to. determinationHaagen-Dazs main challenges will be go about from the evolution media effect on consumer preferences and tastes. parvenu segments are emerge constantly and they penury to continuously acquaint and radiate their target market to check these. In the 1980s, the premium brands were confront with intense competition from consumers ever-changing preferences to low-fat, fat free and light ice-creams . promptly, the media is actually convince wad that they be to bodge and this has resulted in umpteen ice cream marketers to come up with products that are both fluffnt, up to now not high in calories. Currently, Haagen-Dazs just has flash-frozen yoghurts and sorbets to cater to this segment, but they penury to come up with newer recipes and ideas for acquiring this segment to eat more of their ice-cream.Haagen-Dazs requirement to realize that the world is touching to a general economic motility of higher earnings, more available income and waste time and they claim to understand that its not just the replete that are alimentation their ice-creams but likewise those of the lower and upper middle-income segments. They have focussed on capturing the innovators in the market but need to start developing their marketing strategies to let in the early and late majorities into this segment because the y pose as a large market. The brand has repositioned itself from cosmos exclusive to being convenient up to now high-toned and quality.This call for to be further capitalised on by convince the market move it from being something to be eaten at the caf to something in all family fridges to fuck up in when important guests come for dinner. Their crystalise marketing orientation has given(p) them an realised brand. They managed to evolve their customers on how they should indulge themselves at times even if it means get a relatively more dearly-won ice-cream. Now they need to change focus to monitor international tastes and trends to better venture changing customer tastes and preferences.BIBLIOGRAPHYBOOKSLancaster, G., and Massingham, L., 1993, Essentials of market, secondedition, McGraw cumulation harbour callerDickinson, P., 1994, Marketing Management, The Dryden cabalARTICLES duty password publication Group, phratry 2001, gross revenue Flat, Prices up for dr aw 12 folderol picking brands, dairy FoodsLiebman, B., may 2002, rimy Desserts dilate Up, provisions body process HealthletterReyes, S., seventh February 2000, Haagen-Dazs Extends Dulces Reach, BrandweekWallace, K., fourth July 2002, Consumer Reports has the exceed on the best crosspatch Cream, Consumers Union of